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Welcome to StatsPolicy.gov, the home of the U.S. Federal statistical system. StatsPolicy.gov brings together important information about our interwoven Federal statistical system, including our members, priorities, and activities across the Federal Government.
– Dr. Karin Orvis, Chief Statistician of the United States
- On June 12, 2024, OMB published a Federal Register Notice (FRN) for comment on Statistical Policy Directive No. 10: Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) System. This FRN publicly announces the start of the 2028 SOC revision cycle and seeks comment on potential revisions for 2028. Comments are due by August 12, 2024, and can be submitted on regulations.gov under Docket ID “BLS-2024-0001”.
Improving Federal Disability Data: The Office of Science and Technology Policy, The Office of the Chief Statistician of the United States, and the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research are co-chairing a Disability Data Interagency Working Group (DDIWG), tasked with the development and release of a Federal Evidence Agenda on Disability Equity, in order to improve the Federal government’s ability to make data-informed policy decisions that advance equity for the disability community. This working group recently published a Request for Information in the Federal Register seeking public input on:
- The evidence needed to better describe disparities faced by people with disabilities
- How to best collect data on disabilities
- How to improve public access to disability data
- How to best protect privacy, security, and civil rights of individuals who provide data on their disability status